Welcome, O Life


“Welcome, O Life! We go for the millionth time to forge in the smithy of our souls the uncreated conscience of the race.” ~ James Joyce (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man) So I am jumping, but in a good and necessary way onto Rollo May’s, The Courage to Create. Finished reading the first chapter, which I have probably read six times now and new things always present themselves to me. What’s bubbling forth this time is the above quote and the wonderment of what structures and forms will this age be recognized for. I have heard on numerous occasions that artists are the thermometer/ barometer of the age they are in, or will come after them. Their sensitivity to expressing is tweaked in a way that gives them the ability to almost predict what the future will hold. All mysticism aside, these inklings of artists do not mean they are fortune tellers of a generation. Rather they are insurgent form and structure makers. Their expressions spurn on other’s to see what it is the world they are living in needs. Is it a restructuring of governments, re-checking the roots of the systems that are in place. Radical change, maybe?

Side Bar:

Did you know that radical means, basically getting back to the root of things. The essential native part of whatever was originally formed. That’s radical change for you.

What is the conscience of our race? What are artists saying right now, that in hundred’s of years from now historians will look back and say:

“based on Pharrell’s song Happy,I believe the 21st century were looking for happiest in every possible place, or day to day occurrence or moment.”

“based on Beyonce’s hit song Drunk In Love, there was a primal instinct that was being fed through the baseness of the performances and the indelicate nature of the view of love.”

Just some tongue in cheek examples. Nevertheless, what are they going to say? What would you say now? I am saying all this because I am wondering what systems am I going to support? What forms am I going to create through my day to day interactions, or from my life’s work, or the decisions that I make? What will I help create that will become the conscience of this race I am a part of now?

I am no oracle. I will not be able to foresee the future and thus answer these questions. But asking them keeps me aware, in tune, and at the ready.

This reminds me of when I learned about actor’s neutral. It’s a place you try to get to before you go onstage, or you enter into a scene. You basically take the time to still your body by standing feet hips width distance a part, face forward, eyes focused on nothing particular. Basically stillness, but this stillness is not a stale stillness. It is stillness so as to make yourself alert and ready for whatever may come your way. Whether it’s a crazy offer, insane opportunity, or volatile emotions, giving yourself that time and space are necessary as an actor.  I feel as if that’s where I am.

By asking these questions I am in neutral. So Welcome, O Life, let’s do this!

Art in Asheville


Treasures in Asheville

A motto to live by!

I was down in Asheville, NC for a funeral this past Feb and as I was on my way to check out my favorite spot in the city, I stumbled upon this gem of wall art. It’s a motto of goodness I wish I could live by. Something I would like to preach to others. To find times and ways to play, and to do it everyday. Play is something we are told needs to stop happening after a certain age. I can remember being young and thinking I never want to stop having the urge to play. I would watch my older brothers and saw that over time they enjoyed clothes and talking to people on the phone more than playing. I remember declaring to myself at a young age that this would not happen to me.

It did.

I grew up and cared about what I wore, what music I listened to and who was my friend, more than I cared about just purely playing. As I have grown older I have weirdly remembered this desire to play and also am beginning to grasp the importance of it.

Now I have to strain to figure out what are the new ways I like to play, as an adult, and where can I do such things. I like to imagine things, I enjoy sports (running, hiding,). I love working together in teams to come up with something usually a story. Most of all I love when games can break down barriers.